I always try to take note of my symptoms in relation to the weather and to what I've been eating. Meaning if I notice a flare or joint pain after eating certain foods or what the precipitation is- but I never really see a connection. I currently have a rash on the palm of my left hand and fingertips, and I don't really have an explanation for it. It's happened before and I'm sure it will go away soon, nothing to be concerned about. Just more annoying than anything.
So it's February 1st and my family has been living in America for 24 years. I was still a fetus when they migrated over. I think my parents did an amazing job of adjusting to a new country and raising a family here. It's also almost been a year since I've been out of the hospital! The first full year since 2006 that I haven't been hospitalized. And my sisters' birthday is approaching on the 23rd. This month has given me a lot to be thankful and grateful for, God is good!
With all that being said, I would like to make changes in my life this year, which I have already started working on a few projects. I want to stay positive and progressive. Pray for me, as I do for you.